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Posture Perfect

Without a word, your body language says a lot about you—especially to a physiotherapist. 

Back pain, headaches and rounded shoulders aren't just symptoms of poor posture—they're causes of it, too. Break the cycle with this short program designed change how you move through the world.

posture patterns

Identify how your overall alignment is impacted by tension or pain.

targeted strengthening

Strengthen muscle imbalances that are causing misalignment or fatigue. 

improved flexibility

Gently lengthen major muscle groups that support perfect posture.



Let me hear your body talk.

Good posture doesn’t just communicate confidence, it’s an essential tool for preventing injuries and chronic pain.

If sitting for long periods of time is a part of your day-to-day routine, you’re probably unsurprised to learn that over 65% of office employees suffer from chronic back, shoulder or neck pain—or all of the above

In this program, I’ll teach you how to stand tall and feel strong through easy-to-follow exercises that require minimal equipment but form the foundation of healthier habits and improved mobility. 

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If you have lower back pain while walking, spend most of your day seated, have a hump on the back of your neck developing, or experience frequent upper back, neck, shoulder and hip pain.



Three easy-to-follow videos with simple exercises—and plenty of modifications—that you can do from the comfort of your home and refer to as often as needed. 




Postural alignment and core strength prevent injuries and make everyday activities more comfortable, supporting a long, vibrant life. 


a little something extra

Eat Well, Live Strong e-cookbook

Get the most out of your program with a free online version if Eat well, Live Strong: 18 thoughtfully prepared recipes that deliver well-rounded, nutrient-dense meals—and take under 1 hour to make!


Enjoy dishes like:

  • Beetroot Hummus

  • Pistachio and Date Quinoa Salad

  • Coconut Curry Lentil Soup




One-Time payment for Lifetime access

  • 3 Physio-lead Online Sessions


  • Easy-to-access videos though Mobile or Laptop


  • Additional Written Workout Plan 


  • Free E-Cookbook to get the most out of your workouts

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